Apr 3, 2023Liked by Levi Quackenboss

I was at the Phoenix Film Festival this weekend and saw this AMAZING documentary. Tears, laughter and deep inspiration was the experience of myself and the whole audience. I loved how the film took the wonderful book "Underestimated" even further. To be in the room with the amazing young people and their families who are featured in the film, while watching the documentary was a very powerful experience. My son has cerebral palsy and did not speak for the formative years of his life. Spelling 2 Communicate would have been a game changer for my son and our family for us during those years -- as it is for the families in the S2C community. I think that is a noteworthy point. There are many people who do NOT have autism but ARE non-speakers. This powerful doorway can open up their lives as well. Huge kudos to all involved! Let the Spellers Revolution continue! ~ Kellie Burkhart

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I’m a nurse and probably 35 years ago I had an 18 yr old girl with a severe traumatic brain injury. I never imagined she’d even survive but she did. A few years later I was taking care of her dad and her mom asked if she could bring her daughter in and I said of course! She was in a wheelchair, and was non verbal, but was able to spell faster than I could read. She asked me if I remembered her! She had a tray on her wheelchair with a well-worn laminated alphabet on it. I wonder why they haven’t tried this with autistic and CP kids before?

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Levi Quackenboss

This makes me get goose bumps! What an honor!

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Angel bumps *******

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Levi Quackenboss

This is wonderful! I’m hosting a screening on April 30 just south of San Jose 

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Levi Quackenboss

Yahooo!! Thank you JB for making this happen! My son is a gangster in the pic w DOWN SYNDROME and he is hoping this will flood into his community as well!!

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Levi Quackenboss

I love this!!!!

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Wow, BEST DOCUMENTARY and on World Autism Day.

There is a GOD, this is WONDER ~ FULL news!!!

Thank you, Thank you!!!

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Wonderful, WONDERFUL news! Congratulations to everyone who has made this possible. You are truly changing the world!!!!

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This is absolutely wonderful news...thank you so much for sharing! God bless these young adults and all those who made SPELLERS possible. I look forward to seeing it!

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wish I could click LIKE a hundred times!!! read JB's book and can't wait to arrange a screening for my NAA chapter in NW Indiana! my group specializes in biomedical interventions but we are all so excited for the Handley's AND the success of S2C!

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

I read JB's book during the pandemic, started RPM lessons and watched my daughter's spirit come ALIVE right in front of my eyes -- now we are 1.5 years in and I simply cannot wait to see this film! I signed up to be a virtual screener! I'm 1000% behind this effort. Still, it would be so so so nice to see some current articles that credit the original method that S2C is based upon. I believe that doing this would open up even more doors and lend such credibility to all the battles we have ahead in order to make this needed social change. Including 2 older articles here: https://hennyk.com/2019/01/21/how-rpm-rapid-prompting-method-to-america/ and https://neuroclastic.com/an-interview-with-soma-mukhopadhyay-pioneer-of-rapid-prompting-method-rpm/. Soma Mukhopadhyay isn't asking, but she deserves a mention here or there, in all of this...

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This should be required knowledge for every educator. Same with the theory of Glenn J. Doman where he overcomes learning difficulties though incremental development.

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Wonderful - thank you for posting this. I can't wait to see the documentary.

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Regarding the headline and the participants' ages – during filming, were some technically children and/or adults?

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Yes, several are young adults.

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LEVI - THANK you for sharing this information. My world is RICHER. Will make donation and effort to see film - learn and share more :o)

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How wonderful. These pictures make me happy-cry.

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