This whole situation infuriates me. First Gain Of Function research was banned in the USA because there had been some accidents. It was outsourced to Wuhan, China... Yes, the USA paid to have research to make viruses stronger and better able to jump species sent to Wuhan, China. This included research on coronavirus found in bats. Then, surprise surprise, a pandemic starts in Wuhan, China. It is important that we know the source because finding treatments and and preventatives must be done with full knowledge. But now, those with conflict of interest have been put in charge of solving the problem. Those who have safer, more effective treatments are being ignored, because ultimately, Big Pharma is motivated by what will make the most profit for the longest period of time.

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It wasn't outsourced to China per se. WIV recieved a tiny fraction of overall US DOD funding. The actual GOF research was most likely carried out in Tblisi Georgia at the Lugar Center, where civilian employees were granted *diplomatic* status.

In professing the "lab leak" theory, TPTB are engaging a limited hangout. The (sporadically held and oddly timed) World Military Games commenced on the same day as Event 201, and were held in Wuhan. A number of US service members were ill, and the first cases were detected in the hotel where the US team were boarded. Wuhan is also a major transit hub, and the WMG occurred 4 months prior to the Lunar New Year, where the cities empty as workers travel to their home province. There is as much or more evidence to support the theory that the Pentagon tried to start this "pandemic" and used our military to make it appear as though China was the source as there is to the contrary. Just prior China fell victim to livestock outbreaks involving reports of mysterious drones.

I don't know if it's true in your case, but a lot of people seem to blame China for the so-called pandemic, but don't take into account how well the West has capitalized on it to consolidate wealth and power, or how thoroughly synchronized the global response has been, all for a hand full of deaths in people with existing co-morbidities. As they say, it works so well, that if COVID didn't exist, they'd have to invent it.

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I do not blame China. I blame those in the USA who did in fact outsource the research to Wuhan, China. I read the paperwork which included details of catching the bats. I also believe the former head of the CDC Robert Redfield when he stated his belief that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan.

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" I also believe the former head of the CDC Robert Redfield" There is no reasoning with this type of belief. If ever there were a pseudo official with an ulterior motive and a vested interest (CDC receives the lion's share of their funding from pharmaceutical companies and Gates-type oligarchs) it is a man drawing a pension fro the CDC. https://thecovidblog.com/2021/03/23/cdc-foundation-is-not-a-government-entity-has-many-conflicts-of-interest/

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Personally, I think your Germophobe theories are infantile. There are NO tiny bugs floating around Infecting people. Virology is a Myth! A Religion devised by the Rockefeller school of medicine. Time to wake up, dude. I will hold the line, but not because of the silly reasons you give for what is causing these actual illnesses.

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OK thanks, bye. I'm not in the "viruses have never been proven to exist" club. We're dealing with homogenous disease here. Don't act like your whole family has never come down with illness all at once.

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Substitute the word Toxins for Virus and you answer you own question about how families come down with "illness all at once". It's not rocket science. There can be more than one possible explanation. That is what true Science is all about. Thanks for being dismissive of evidently new ideas in your universe.

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While there are many interesting aspects of Terrain theory, many worth exploring, and some good revisionist history to be had, certain characters like Kauffman never really sat well with me. https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2021/04/14/dr-andrew-kaufmans-viral-disinformation/ (and Martin, for that matter https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tQoYi1Y6-HcZ8G1tPKcXOymVN6e7oXH91Bc0ewPljOU/edit )

I certainly wouldn't use it as ground to launch an attack on anyone stumbling past with the "wrong" ideas.

There is plenty of reason to suspect that in "SARS-COV2" we may be dealing with a ghost, but you're out of line.

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Very true. But Kaufman was handy. If I didn't get such a big Condesend from Quack, I'd of posted a link to a great book that covers stuff like this. "The Invisible Rainbow". https://www.amazon.com/Invisible-Rainbow-History-Electricity-Life/dp/B09BBJL1TF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FCWVR2XNKMMS&keywords=the+invisible+rainbow&qid=1639697819&sprefix=the+invi%2Caps%2C268&sr=8-1

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People like you claim to stand for things like science, reasoning, and cause and effect. The truth is, you're intellectually ineptitude drives your desire to constantly force reductionism down everyone's throats. They absurd hypothesis you propagate relies on the ignorance of your victims, but it's all a script that you've been programmed to parrot, by people with degrees in psychology who pretend to understand immunology. But even if what you claimed was actually true on some level, nobody would believe it. Not because it's unbelievable, but rather because of the distorted illogical babble used to convey the message. You've lost before the battle has begun.

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Yes. I'm going to feel offended by an illiterate trying to sound educated. Puleeze! If you are the typical reader of Mr. Big Ego.... I see this is not the place for rational discussion on any subject. Cheers!

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lol, I've seen other people with toilet-centric theories of SARSx spread. I understand there's aerosolization involved in toilet flushing, but I'm really curious as to the actual mechanics of human waste being responsible for what is primarily and airborne-transmitted virus. Not to mention, group gatherings seem to be responsible for a number of "outbreaks" where toilet use cannot reasonably explain transmission. Anyway, the overall spirit of the article is agreeable.

--edit-- the main area of viral load is the sinuses.

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You forgot about Montana at the end. :D

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Hi! You used to have an article titled “We are going to win this battle and here’s why….” The internet has deleted it, go figure. Do you still have?

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Yeah, Patreon deleted all of my writing and didn't allow me to download any of it. I googled around and found the old link on FB and put it in the WayBack Machine. Here you go:


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