There's also this paper from 2013, which states: "New literature suggests a link between mitochondrial dysfunction and ASDs. This association has been recognized in persons with autistic behaviors and loss of speech after a febrile illness or immunization with subsequent encephalopathy."


So children with mitochondrial dysfunction who suffered an encephalopathy after vaccines were shown to lose speech and develop autistic behaviors. And as we all know, "autistic behaviors" is simply the definition of autism!

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An interesting comparison is The Amish people who generally do not vaccinate and have almost zero Autism against The Mormons who are avid vaccine followers and have the highest autism rate in the nation.

In reading the book. "JABBED" on Kindle the footnotes link right to the source of information versus a printed book which has the same footnotes that hardly anyone ever bothers to look up.

TV on the other hand where the brainwashed get their information if linked to anything would most likely be a banknote!

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My question is, did autism exist prior to the first ever vaccine? Honest question… 🤔

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Good question. Autism did not exist before the first aluminum-containing diphtheria vaccine. I covered this in a recent blog about school shooters, and Forrest Maready covered it in his book The Autism Vaccine.

My article is here: https://leviquackenboss.substack.com/p/the-tennessee-shooting-and-the-avalanche

Scroll down halfway and begin reading at:

Should we shrug our shoulders and waive this off with a “Eh, this was way back in 1938, it must be genetic!” It can’t be related to heavy metal toxicity or vaccination if it’s been around that long, right? Or do we dig a little deeper and discover that, beginning in 1932, American and western European parents—the ones who trusted the medical establishment—were repeatedly injecting their infants and children with a brand new mercury and neurotoxic aluminum-containing diphtheria vaccine. The metal doses doubled when tetanus toxoid was added to the vaccine in 1939, and tripled with pertussis in 1942.

Forrest's book is here:


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A great historical perspective on your question is the book "The Age of Autism" by Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted.

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Thank you for replying! I’ve got a lot more questions now

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I read no autism in a country in Africa (cant remember exactly - Kenya?) until vaccines introduced by Gates in his experiments. Dont know if its true for sure.

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Mhmmm this is all very interesting stuff.

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thank you

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Hi Levi, good work, thanks for publishing!

I have stumbled upon your substack from stevekirsch.substack.com.

Be sure to watch The HighWires Del Bigtree give this presentation: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/pandemic-of-lies/

Del and superlawyer Aaron Siri discover that not one placebo RCT, random controlled trial, was ever been done on ANY of the childhood vaccines and the FDA never did any oversight, post vaxx studies as they had promised to do when President Reagan signed the 1986 childhood vaccine liability immunity bill.

Both the FDA and the CDC are run as marketing extensions of big pharma who mostly fund these agencies as Aaron siri astutely shows in his recent presentations.

Amazing, isn't it? And the UKs MHRA is owned by Bill and Melinda gates 'charitable' foundation as they provide the biggest source of funding over the past few years in particular.

Don't forget to read 'Turtles All the Way Down' which also presents evidence and studies showing how incredibly toxic vaccines are and how they do more harm than good.

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Thanks for reading, KT. Out of curiosity, how did Steve's blog bring you here?

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I think via Renee Pearson's substack post, and she posted on SK's blog I think.

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I wonder if I know who the 'stacker is?

Sometimes the cognitive dissonance is remarkable

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The writer isn't of the position that vaccines don't cause autism; they needed to prepare for an interview.

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I've updated the intro to avoid giving that impression.

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Good to know. Thank you

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