I live in Nevada so I will not get to vote for Bobbie but I have two signs on my lawn now: Kennedy and Trump. I had literally been praying for the joining of these two brilliant and brave men, but how? Now we know. I will always be proud to wear the button RFK Jr 2024. That was one of the most selfless acts in history. RFK Jr has given m…
I live in Nevada so I will not get to vote for Bobbie but I have two signs on my lawn now: Kennedy and Trump. I had literally been praying for the joining of these two brilliant and brave men, but how? Now we know. I will always be proud to wear the button RFK Jr 2024. That was one of the most selfless acts in history. RFK Jr has given me hope when I was all alone in my beliefs about autism with my pharmacist peers and my family. You are living your beliefs and I believe you will go down in history for our country and in the book of life. Levi Q. Thank you for your dedication and for doing such a great service to report on this pivotal moment.
No they’re all socialist up there, we don’t want them voting.I’m American living in Vancouver right now and I pay over 40 % in income tax, not to mention my capital gains and property tax. We do t want them voting in the US.
You and me BOTH, Sandber! I'm watching this presidential cycle with a great deal of prayer and interest ... because, I believe, it represents the greatest, the most significant, and the most pivotal election to have ever been undertaken in the United States. The future of the United States as we have known it hangs in the balance; as does everything Western civilization reresents.
In battleground swing states, a vote for Trump is needed to keep RFK on the path to achieving his vitally important goals rearding children's health, war and censorship. So, vote for Trump in battleground swing states. In all-blue or all-red states, where your vote won't make a difference in the outcome, VOTE KENNEDY. This will help achieve many things if Kennedy gets 5% of the vote nationwide, including a viable third party in the next election and much-needed funding, recognition, debate access, etc.
And keep in mind that RFK hasn't pulled out of the election, he has just suspended his campaign and will still be on most state ballots. If Harris or Trump fail to get 270 electoral votes, Kennedy could still be in the running and end up in the White House.
* * * PLEASE SEE UPDATE BELOW - (RFK now asks everyone to vote Trump * * *
A journalist interviewed a Harris surrogate today, and is giddy about the possibility of a Harris presidency. The journalist tried to ask about her flipping, the disastrous Biden-Harris record and its malevolent effects, and guess what her response was? “We are telling people to vote what their HEART tells them”. Someone should follow up with, “Tell me how people can spend those heartfelt feelings at the grocery store, gas station, and pay for ever-increasing property and vehicle taxes”.
That canned response by Kamel Hair attempts to appeal to loyal Dems who don't care about the obvious state of affairs. Your followup is prescient and well stated, it is also well known fortunately, Hence the panic...
"Kamala Chameleon"? The woman who is loathe to do an unscripted, unedited interview, even with an old loathed (lying) white guy by her side, to "help"?
THAT childless childish woman?
(And yes. I do know what a woman is. I still have a uterus, despite being long post-menopausal.)
Our planet is in even bigger trouble if "they" steal this one too.
The Derangement Syndrome is very very real, hence the just released N Shanahan vid. A must see. Worry not, due to the slums in the blue cities, and the economic decline, some of these... Deranged will come around.
I sure hope you're optimism is well placed! I see the Harris/Walz campaign do things that would be politically fatal ... yet they do so with aplomb; almost as if they KNOW they've got it in the bag no matter how the people vote.
It's as if they're COUNTING ON the the rigging of the election. Their confidence make me very nervous.
I got it ‼️😉will do from California.... I hope my ballot arrives with Bobby’s name on it because he will be my forever HERO...thank you RFKjr for your courage and ♥️🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼
UPDATE: NEW INFO FROM RFK Jr – he emphasized last week that rapidly increasing censorship and totalitarianism, which is suddenly sweeping the globe, represents the biggest threat, for if we lose free speech, all other goals evaporate.
RFK Jr released a revised statement Sep 5 urging EVERYONE TO VOTE FOR TRUMP as the best and only way now to advance RFK's goals and their shared goals of restoring our children's and nation's health and ending the forever wars and censorship. Trump needs a landslide victory in both the popular vote AND the Electoral College in order for it to not be contested and challenged. A close vote would be disastrous.
I’m sorry your pharmacist friends are deaf to your pleas. I too face this problem now that I have taken the time to actually figure out, as a pharmacist, what the hell is really going on post covid. I knew we were being lied to on a massive scale and was very disappointed in my colleagues with regard to their willful ignorance. It’s truly screaming into the void with most of them and very disheartening.
In that case, Sir, there must be many good people doing many great things for very great reason and with much success out of basements somewhere in Saint Petersberg! 😂
I live in Nevada so I will not get to vote for Bobbie but I have two signs on my lawn now: Kennedy and Trump. I had literally been praying for the joining of these two brilliant and brave men, but how? Now we know. I will always be proud to wear the button RFK Jr 2024. That was one of the most selfless acts in history. RFK Jr has given me hope when I was all alone in my beliefs about autism with my pharmacist peers and my family. You are living your beliefs and I believe you will go down in history for our country and in the book of life. Levi Q. Thank you for your dedication and for doing such a great service to report on this pivotal moment.
I live in Canada, a Canadian citizen and I want to put Trump/Kennedy signs on my lawn!
If the US lets illegal immigrants vote, a better tactic would be for Canadians to flock down and get into the line-up.
Now that we, the unsafe, unvaxxed are legally allowed in again you mean?
Not a bad idea!
I speak Spanish. 😉
Canadian illegal immigrants, that's what we need, 20million of them
No they’re all socialist up there, we don’t want them voting.I’m American living in Vancouver right now and I pay over 40 % in income tax, not to mention my capital gains and property tax. We do t want them voting in the US.
Agreed. BC is lost and the rest not far behind. You’ve done fine without it. As fine as the one-party vote could be.
Be careful. Your totalitarian government is a few steps ahead of us at this point.
Looks like the bots have been lurking for this, LOL.
You and me BOTH, Sandber! I'm watching this presidential cycle with a great deal of prayer and interest ... because, I believe, it represents the greatest, the most significant, and the most pivotal election to have ever been undertaken in the United States. The future of the United States as we have known it hangs in the balance; as does everything Western civilization reresents.
Thank you for the support, Sanber!
Me too!
Here's how Bobby Kennedy is asking us to vote:
In battleground swing states, a vote for Trump is needed to keep RFK on the path to achieving his vitally important goals rearding children's health, war and censorship. So, vote for Trump in battleground swing states. In all-blue or all-red states, where your vote won't make a difference in the outcome, VOTE KENNEDY. This will help achieve many things if Kennedy gets 5% of the vote nationwide, including a viable third party in the next election and much-needed funding, recognition, debate access, etc.
And keep in mind that RFK hasn't pulled out of the election, he has just suspended his campaign and will still be on most state ballots. If Harris or Trump fail to get 270 electoral votes, Kennedy could still be in the running and end up in the White House.
* * * PLEASE SEE UPDATE BELOW - (RFK now asks everyone to vote Trump * * *
Sort of. Try framing this in terms of the Best Possible Decision to take back this Republic. RFK always knew this. Supporters are mainly without clue.
Focus on what is important!! DJT for the win, he is above 80%, the DemonRats cannot cheat that much this go round.
A journalist interviewed a Harris surrogate today, and is giddy about the possibility of a Harris presidency. The journalist tried to ask about her flipping, the disastrous Biden-Harris record and its malevolent effects, and guess what her response was? “We are telling people to vote what their HEART tells them”. Someone should follow up with, “Tell me how people can spend those heartfelt feelings at the grocery store, gas station, and pay for ever-increasing property and vehicle taxes”.
That canned response by Kamel Hair attempts to appeal to loyal Dems who don't care about the obvious state of affairs. Your followup is prescient and well stated, it is also well known fortunately, Hence the panic...
"Kamala Chameleon"? The woman who is loathe to do an unscripted, unedited interview, even with an old loathed (lying) white guy by her side, to "help"?
THAT childless childish woman?
(And yes. I do know what a woman is. I still have a uterus, despite being long post-menopausal.)
Our planet is in even bigger trouble if "they" steal this one too.
Catastrophic peril.
No "Joy to the World".
That's just the truth ma'am.
#HoldTheLine America!!
Kamel Hair is a vile commie snake. She just did an interview with Bush from CNN. She bombed even that, Walz looked like an ape hanging on.
I do not ever watch the fake news, this was clips on alt media of her blatherfest.
Interesting that you brought up the uterus. It produces over 40 hormones not just the 3 estrogens and progesterone so well known.
The uterus has everything to do with a womans sense of well being, besides the well know physiological functions.
Succinct prescient observations and advice!
That IS the truth, Unapologetically Me! And you expressed it well. As a fellow Canadian, I stand with you shoulder to shoulder.
A new neighbor just put up a yard sign: "Vote blue, No matter who."
Sigh. SMH.
The Derangement Syndrome is very very real, hence the just released N Shanahan vid. A must see. Worry not, due to the slums in the blue cities, and the economic decline, some of these... Deranged will come around.
In any case DJT currently has over 70%, fear not.
Clever sign, but very stupid
Oh my…!
I hope you’re correct. But 10 million illegals are hard to overcome
Good point, Lara Trump put out a very terse no nonsense warning.
She stated that "they" know who they are and where they are.
If they vote illegally, they will be rounded up and immediately prosecuted to the full extent of the law. She is not joking.
VA gov, enacted only paper ballots!
Swing state safeguards also in place in many potent areas.
Fear not, the DemonRats will be exposed as the cheaters they are.
For the record it is not lawful for immigrants to vote, period.
Only registered Americans can vote.
The DemonRats are in full panic mode.
Expect more "crumbs" to come out strategicly for the next 60 plus days.
Count on it!!
I sure hope you're optimism is well placed! I see the Harris/Walz campaign do things that would be politically fatal ... yet they do so with aplomb; almost as if they KNOW they've got it in the bag no matter how the people vote.
It's as if they're COUNTING ON the the rigging of the election. Their confidence make me very nervous.
Not to mention mail ins, censorship, early calling of "winners" & outright poll fraud.
I got it ‼️😉will do from California.... I hope my ballot arrives with Bobby’s name on it because he will be my forever HERO...thank you RFKjr for your courage and ♥️🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼
UPDATE: NEW INFO FROM RFK Jr – he emphasized last week that rapidly increasing censorship and totalitarianism, which is suddenly sweeping the globe, represents the biggest threat, for if we lose free speech, all other goals evaporate.
RFK Jr released a revised statement Sep 5 urging EVERYONE TO VOTE FOR TRUMP as the best and only way now to advance RFK's goals and their shared goals of restoring our children's and nation's health and ending the forever wars and censorship. Trump needs a landslide victory in both the popular vote AND the Electoral College in order for it to not be contested and challenged. A close vote would be disastrous.
I live in CA and I will proudly vote for RFK for both of us.
Fellow Nevadan 💕I will locate a Kennedy sign and follow suit. What he did is exactly what God has called us to be, selfless.
I’m sorry your pharmacist friends are deaf to your pleas. I too face this problem now that I have taken the time to actually figure out, as a pharmacist, what the hell is really going on post covid. I knew we were being lied to on a massive scale and was very disappointed in my colleagues with regard to their willful ignorance. It’s truly screaming into the void with most of them and very disheartening.
I wish you were a pharmacist near where I live!!!
I live in NV too and Kennedy was the only candidate worth my vote. Sad we can’t get rid of the uniparty!
Brilliant, you did not have the Derangement Syndrome. Or if you did it was a mild case.
Celebrate the collaboration, pity parties are for end stage Derangement Peeps.
That is some incredibly powerful stupid. Almost to the point of incomprehension to people that possess critical thinking skills.
A train load of nebulous gibberish and bullshit.
Come forth Hudster, put your IQ where your keyboard is and demon strate
some dat critical thinkins!
Come on Hud da 3rd of was it da _urd?
What else ya got??
the award for the best blatherfest of the day has been awarded.
There were quite a few competitors but Hud prevailed, but a country mile.
Congrats Hud da 3rd
incomprehension// Hub makes up words in a failed attempt to express something, then asserts critical thinking skills... Hmm proof is in da pudding Yup
Snowflakes melt in a nano sec (1x10 -9th secs) when the flamethrower turns
But first do complete that high school Eng. Comp class
Nice try Hudster. Now step into the ring.
The lowest level of stupid will be outed.
Take your two notes, your ONE follower, sINGULAR, and get the fuck out.
Hud is a classic example of a dolt with Derangement Syndrome.
He is past the point of benefit for a pillow beating session.
Might I suggest an MI suppository?
The 3rd Reich has spoken, now about that English comp class...
Shut the fuck up. You're in a basement somewhere in Saint Petersburg. POS
In that case, Sir, there must be many good people doing many great things for very great reason and with much success out of basements somewhere in Saint Petersberg! 😂
Sound like 7th grader playground parlance
Do try again