I’m not crying you are 😭 Thank you for all your hard work for RFK, and for sharing this note. 👊❤️ I’ve been pulling for Bobby, now more than ever!

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Yes! That phenomenon is why I wrote this: "Why RFK, Jr. Makes Me Cry." We are not alone in our tears...


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Here's a more complete picture of the situation with RFK Jr. than people are hearing. Please share this widely, that the mainstream media is mistakenly saying RFK Jr gave up and is not in the race. But RFK hasn't pulled out of the election, he has just suspended his campaign and will still be on most state ballots. He explains the reasons in many places, such as this interview with Dr Phil, which I encourage everyone to listen to.


After relentless legal warfare attacks by the DNC to try to keep him off the ballot in state after state, draining his funds and keeping him in the courtroom instead of campaigning, and numerous other dastardly, un-democratic DNC tactics, he and his team analyzed the situation and discovered that he could inadvertently be helping to elect Harris, who has no interest in RFK Jr's causes or those of the majority of Americans. Trump, on the other hand, is aligned on the most existential issues: ending the endless wars of choice, stopping the government-run censorship and surveillance regime, and reversing the chronic disease epidemic of children and adults which is now costing us five times the military budget and causing untold disability and death, especially concerning American children who are the sickest children on Earth.

So, RFK was forced to switch gears, but he hasn't given up.

It's clear that he wants to achieve what his uncle and father set out to do, and unify the country to tackle the existential issues. It's clear that the current Democratic party has abandoned its former values and now promotes war, surveillance, censorship, industrial monopolies, mandates, and authoritarianism, and a Harris administration would be more of the same in all these ways.

Here's what RFK Jr is suggesting:

In battleground swing states, a vote for Trump is needed to keep RFK on the path to achieving his vitally important goals re children's health, war and censorship. So, vote for Trump in battleground swing states. In all-blue or all-red states, where your vote won't make a difference in the outcome, VOTE KENNEDY. This will help achieve many things if Kennedy gets 5% of the popular vote nationwide, including a viable third party in the next election and future elections and much-needed public funding, recognition, visibility, debate access, etc.

If he gets 5% of the popular vote, there will be a seismic shift away from the two-party, Uniparty duopoly. This would be a major milestone for independent politics, and a critical step toward sustaining this movement for years to come. Such funding would be transformative, clearing many of the organizational and financial obstacles designed to suppress independent campaigns and sustain the stranglehold of Washington insiders. Furthermore, if Harris or Trump fail to get 270 electoral votes, Kennedy could still be in the running and end up in the White House.


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P.S. I trust RFK Jr's instincts and integrity, as well as his agility in responding to the ever-changing current situation. What may appear as a confusing blurring of the conventional lines might be leading to a welcome and healthy paradigm shift.

I'm choosing to keep the faith and trust his wisdom and judgement in striving for the best possible outcome in this difficult situation, in the decade he feels he has left to be effective.

~ ~ ~ see update below ~ ~ ~

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UPDATE: NEW INFO FROM RFK Jr – he emphasized this week that rapidly increasing censorship and totalitarianism, which is suddenly sweeping the globe, represents the biggest threat, for if we lose free speech, all other goals evaporate. (See Jenna McCarthy's latest post for a list of examples of this rapidly-increasing menace to humanity and life as we know it. https://jennasside.rocks/p/rfk-jr-wants-everyone-to-vote-for)

RFK Jr released a statement Sep 5 urging EVERYONE TO VOTE FOR TRUMP as the best and only way now to advance RFK's goals and their shared goals of restoring our children's and nation's health and ending the forever wars and censorship. Trump needs a landslide victory in both the popular vote AND the Electoral College in order for it to not be contested and challenged. A close vote would be disastrous.

Please trust RFK Jr's instincts, integrity, and ability to see the big, big picture, as well as his agility in responding to the ever-changing current situation. We must be agile as well and let go of our initial hopes for how this campaign should go.

Keep in mind that the mainstream media has been biased for a long time, manipulating our opinions and thoughts and suppressing important truths. If we realize that this bias was strong regarding the pandemic, we ought to also realize it's been biased regarding President Trump during his first administration. Let's ask ourselves how much of our opinion about him has been shaped by media manipulation.

The DNC and its masters sabotaged RFK and his campaign at every turn, but we must unify and show that we are stronger. A wholly new, unprecedented alliance has emerged with three former democrats – Trump, Kennedy, Gabbard – and we'd better join them en masse to save us from going over a totalitarian cliff. They need our active support, before it's too late. As RFK has said, no-one ever complied their way out of totalitarianism, and throughout history, those who censored were never the good guys. Do what you can to spread the word to vote Trump.

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Great observations

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Vote Trump. They will need fewer false ballots to take the election. We do not need to help them.

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For sure vote for RFK in deep blue states. The DNC is going to win in those anyway, may as well help RFK in those states, as it isn't going to help Trump voting in those states.

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please see update above

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The important thing is that RFK jr is encouraging his voters to vote for Trump, not him. I would loved to have seen him as Trump's VP However, he may be far more effective taking responsibility for guiding the reform of the healtcare industry .

RFKjr shares a lot of the same concerns regarding corruption and politics within the "medical industry" that Shayrl Attkisson has so throughly documented Both are very aware of the massive issues with some required vaccines, the profits of vaccine makers and their protections provided by Congress.

Democrats love and protect Hunter Biden

Republicans, Conservatives and RFK love and want to protect America and Americans .

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Democratic party has lost their way! RFK Jr. had no choice. He may still become President in 2028 if the public learns the truth about how they have been gas lite! My view.

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If president Trump wins then Bobby wins all three primaries in 2028. Seriously after 4 years of exposing the Democrats either they just

Let him in and he wins or he runs as a Republican or wherever party and MAGA WONT FORGET. Remember they don't trust Republicans either.

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If theres even an election in 2028. With the rate of advancing corruption(see new farm bill, mpox vax vial insert & Ukraine arms/$ increases), there likely wont be one if Harris deep state puppet gets elected. (Im not a huge Trump fan but I am a RFK, Tulsi, Weinstein, Elon, 1st amendment, 2nd amdt, 4th amdt fan) The dems election fix is already in, you can take that to the bank... if any banks are left besides Fed Reserve & Jamie's little institution. Their end goal is vax IDs. CBDCs, elimination of cash & social credit scores baked into your financial credit. Bank of Intl Settlements stated this goal in a white paper in 2011, its all in place already. Just waiting till the time for catastrophe is ripe for implementation.

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What should also be apparent to all Americans is that the huge rise in violent crime is largely the result of

Anti police legislation and policies

Far left, Soros sponsored prosecutors

Leftist judges

That Camala's "Mentor" was Californian Willie Brown for whom she worked. Few people understand the role California's Willie Brown played in the destruction of both San Francisco and the State of California. Most everything was for sale .

The bright light at the end of the tunnel is the awakening of citizens to the betrayal of their interests by many in politics, especially Democrats.

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"I’m not crying you are 😭" Thank you for this funny, and perceptive line! A Trump supporting family who had voted Democratic for decades. Now politically homeless in the BlueAnon HQ of Massachusetts.

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I think someone is cutting onions 🥹 😭

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Its so sad to hear someone conflate the sincerity of followers with that of the movement or leader. To ignore a persons entire past and focus on one canonizing event (likely staged). To ignore what they have done when last they were given the opportunity and what they are openly planning to do.

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I have a beautiful 6 year old boy who doesn’t speak. God bless Bobby ❤️🤍💙

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I have helped my low-verbal autistic daughter who reacted to the hep B and DTaP vaccines with vaccine encephalitis, by studying English as a Second Language with her for years. We used four series of Cambridgr University ESL textbooks. Super Safari, for preschool children, is out of print, but still available used at several sites. The inborn language structures were present in the brain from birth, waiting to be activated (Noam Chimsky), but were damaged or destroyed by the encephalitic inflammation. But can be replaced using modeling and repetitive practice, ABA model, and techniques of learning a foreign language. The speech therapy usually used does not address this at all, instead jumping right to chat therapy when the syntactic basis is not there.

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I've never read this is what happens. I only started to hear, anew, about autism being a vaccine injury, very recently.

But I"ve never read any specifics and I read a lot.

You're giving a lot of moms hope I see.

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It's not just moms. Not just people who have children. All of us are dependent on a network of other humans and these generations of vaccine/environmentally poisoned children affects us all. We failed our own future and RFK is a rare leader to begin to stop this failure.

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OK. It's just that moms know a lot more detail of the everyday life of the youngest kids and babies. They treasure each step forward differently than dads, often. They would notice regression.

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If you read Judy Coverse’s When Your Doctor is Wrong: The Hep B Vaccine and Autism, youll see that the autism epidemic took off in 1991, thr year the hep B Vaccine started to unnecessarily be given to all newborns in the US, usually on the day of birth. The brain damage is caused in the first week after birth. After the vaccine encephalitis, my daughter failed to meet her language milestones a year later, but was saying two words by 18 months, both erased as soon as she got the DTaP booster at that timr. Not another word for a year and a half.At that time, around the time she turned three, she started saying baby repeated syllables, mama, baba, numnum. I hoped it meant she was catching up and normalizing, but that’s not what it meant.

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There is definitely something else in the environment in addition to vaccines. My son is autistic and never had a vaccine. The reason he never got them is that his dad got type 1 diabetes as an adult immediately after getting the Hep B shot - so that's another epidemic to look at.

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Chomsky, sorry.

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Has sign language been introduced as well? I’d think that this also would use different areas of the brain.

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And make billions in the process.

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May God bless and heal your son.

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Nothing but empathy for that child. There is help available.

Some of us knew the truth about the Vaxs and the Quaxs over 30 years ago.

We were not early to the party. Sadly children who knew little to nothing about health

/ they had children. Not a favorable scenario...

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Here's hope for his future communication prospects.


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There is much more than hope. Parents who know little to nothing about health,

they know not where to go... That is their personal dilemma.

There are hundreds of details...

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Just realized that "auto correct", an AI on the fly content changer, got me again.

It inserted "what" in place of not, to attempt making TS appear illiterate...

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TS: You can edit your posts by clicking on the three dots to the right of the "like/reply/share" line.

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works as expected

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Thank you, did not know that!!

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(Happy to help!)

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Bless you and your son.



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If you haven't yet, go after the diet. Eliminate Gluten, Dairy and Soy (including all seed oils—soy, canola, sunflower, safflower, etc). 100% organic if you can. Heal his gut and his mind will follow. Yeast overgrowth was a big deal. Stay strong and know you're not alone in this. We had to detox our son as well after the MMR jab. He just graduated college with honors, so keep going! ❤️

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I live in Nevada so I will not get to vote for Bobbie but I have two signs on my lawn now: Kennedy and Trump. I had literally been praying for the joining of these two brilliant and brave men, but how? Now we know. I will always be proud to wear the button RFK Jr 2024. That was one of the most selfless acts in history. RFK Jr has given me hope when I was all alone in my beliefs about autism with my pharmacist peers and my family. You are living your beliefs and I believe you will go down in history for our country and in the book of life. Levi Q. Thank you for your dedication and for doing such a great service to report on this pivotal moment.

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I live in Canada, a Canadian citizen and I want to put Trump/Kennedy signs on my lawn!

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If the US lets illegal immigrants vote, a better tactic would be for Canadians to flock down and get into the line-up.

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Now that we, the unsafe, unvaxxed are legally allowed in again you mean?

Not a bad idea!

I speak Spanish. 😉

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Canadian illegal immigrants, that's what we need, 20million of them

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No they’re all socialist up there, we don’t want them voting.I’m American living in Vancouver right now and I pay over 40 % in income tax, not to mention my capital gains and property tax. We do t want them voting in the US.

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Agreed. BC is lost and the rest not far behind. You’ve done fine without it. As fine as the one-party vote could be.

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Be careful. Your totalitarian government is a few steps ahead of us at this point.

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Looks like the bots have been lurking for this, LOL.

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You and me BOTH, Sandber! I'm watching this presidential cycle with a great deal of prayer and interest ... because, I believe, it represents the greatest, the most significant, and the most pivotal election to have ever been undertaken in the United States. The future of the United States as we have known it hangs in the balance; as does everything Western civilization reresents.


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Thank you for the support, Sanber!

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Me too!

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Here's how Bobby Kennedy is asking us to vote:

In battleground swing states, a vote for Trump is needed to keep RFK on the path to achieving his vitally important goals rearding children's health, war and censorship. So, vote for Trump in battleground swing states. In all-blue or all-red states, where your vote won't make a difference in the outcome, VOTE KENNEDY. This will help achieve many things if Kennedy gets 5% of the vote nationwide, including a viable third party in the next election and much-needed funding, recognition, debate access, etc.

And keep in mind that RFK hasn't pulled out of the election, he has just suspended his campaign and will still be on most state ballots. If Harris or Trump fail to get 270 electoral votes, Kennedy could still be in the running and end up in the White House.

* * * PLEASE SEE UPDATE BELOW - (RFK now asks everyone to vote Trump * * *

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Sort of. Try framing this in terms of the Best Possible Decision to take back this Republic. RFK always knew this. Supporters are mainly without clue.

Focus on what is important!! DJT for the win, he is above 80%, the DemonRats cannot cheat that much this go round.

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A journalist interviewed a Harris surrogate today, and is giddy about the possibility of a Harris presidency. The journalist tried to ask about her flipping, the disastrous Biden-Harris record and its malevolent effects, and guess what her response was? “We are telling people to vote what their HEART tells them”. Someone should follow up with, “Tell me how people can spend those heartfelt feelings at the grocery store, gas station, and pay for ever-increasing property and vehicle taxes”.

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That canned response by Kamel Hair attempts to appeal to loyal Dems who don't care about the obvious state of affairs. Your followup is prescient and well stated, it is also well known fortunately, Hence the panic...

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"Kamala Chameleon"? The woman who is loathe to do an unscripted, unedited interview, even with an old loathed (lying) white guy by her side, to "help"?

THAT childless childish woman?

(And yes. I do know what a woman is. I still have a uterus, despite being long post-menopausal.)

Our planet is in even bigger trouble if "they" steal this one too.

Catastrophic peril.

No "Joy to the World".

That's just the truth ma'am.

#HoldTheLine America!!

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Kamel Hair is a vile commie snake. She just did an interview with Bush from CNN. She bombed even that, Walz looked like an ape hanging on.

I do not ever watch the fake news, this was clips on alt media of her blatherfest.

Interesting that you brought up the uterus. It produces over 40 hormones not just the 3 estrogens and progesterone so well known.

The uterus has everything to do with a womans sense of well being, besides the well know physiological functions.

Succinct prescient observations and advice!

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That IS the truth, Unapologetically Me! And you expressed it well. As a fellow Canadian, I stand with you shoulder to shoulder.

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A new neighbor just put up a yard sign: "Vote blue, No matter who."

Sigh. SMH.

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The Derangement Syndrome is very very real, hence the just released N Shanahan vid. A must see. Worry not, due to the slums in the blue cities, and the economic decline, some of these... Deranged will come around.

In any case DJT currently has over 70%, fear not.

Clever sign, but very stupid

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Oh my…!

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I hope you’re correct. But 10 million illegals are hard to overcome

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Good point, Lara Trump put out a very terse no nonsense warning.

She stated that "they" know who they are and where they are.

If they vote illegally, they will be rounded up and immediately prosecuted to the full extent of the law. She is not joking.

VA gov, enacted only paper ballots!

Swing state safeguards also in place in many potent areas.

Fear not, the DemonRats will be exposed as the cheaters they are.

For the record it is not lawful for immigrants to vote, period.

Only registered Americans can vote.

The DemonRats are in full panic mode.

Expect more "crumbs" to come out strategicly for the next 60 plus days.

Count on it!!

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I sure hope you're optimism is well placed! I see the Harris/Walz campaign do things that would be politically fatal ... yet they do so with aplomb; almost as if they KNOW they've got it in the bag no matter how the people vote.

It's as if they're COUNTING ON the the rigging of the election. Their confidence make me very nervous.

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Not to mention mail ins, censorship, early calling of "winners" & outright poll fraud.

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I got it ‼️😉will do from California.... I hope my ballot arrives with Bobby’s name on it because he will be my forever HERO...thank you RFKjr for your courage and ♥️🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

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UPDATE: NEW INFO FROM RFK Jr – he emphasized last week that rapidly increasing censorship and totalitarianism, which is suddenly sweeping the globe, represents the biggest threat, for if we lose free speech, all other goals evaporate.

RFK Jr released a revised statement Sep 5 urging EVERYONE TO VOTE FOR TRUMP as the best and only way now to advance RFK's goals and their shared goals of restoring our children's and nation's health and ending the forever wars and censorship. Trump needs a landslide victory in both the popular vote AND the Electoral College in order for it to not be contested and challenged. A close vote would be disastrous.

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I live in CA and I will proudly vote for RFK for both of us.

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Fellow Nevadan 💕I will locate a Kennedy sign and follow suit. What he did is exactly what God has called us to be, selfless.

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I’m sorry your pharmacist friends are deaf to your pleas. I too face this problem now that I have taken the time to actually figure out, as a pharmacist, what the hell is really going on post covid. I knew we were being lied to on a massive scale and was very disappointed in my colleagues with regard to their willful ignorance. It’s truly screaming into the void with most of them and very disheartening.

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I wish you were a pharmacist near where I live!!!

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I live in NV too and Kennedy was the only candidate worth my vote. Sad we can’t get rid of the uniparty!

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Brilliant, you did not have the Derangement Syndrome. Or if you did it was a mild case.

Celebrate the collaboration, pity parties are for end stage Derangement Peeps.

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That is some incredibly powerful stupid. Almost to the point of incomprehension to people that possess critical thinking skills.

A train load of nebulous gibberish and bullshit.

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Come forth Hudster, put your IQ where your keyboard is and demon strate

some dat critical thinkins!

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Come on Hud da 3rd of was it da _urd?

What else ya got??

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the award for the best blatherfest of the day has been awarded.

There were quite a few competitors but Hud prevailed, but a country mile.

Congrats Hud da 3rd

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incomprehension// Hub makes up words in a failed attempt to express something, then asserts critical thinking skills... Hmm proof is in da pudding Yup

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Snowflakes melt in a nano sec (1x10 -9th secs) when the flamethrower turns

But first do complete that high school Eng. Comp class

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Nice try Hudster. Now step into the ring.

The lowest level of stupid will be outed.

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Take your two notes, your ONE follower, sINGULAR, and get the fuck out.

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Hud is a classic example of a dolt with Derangement Syndrome.

He is past the point of benefit for a pillow beating session.

Might I suggest an MI suppository?

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The 3rd Reich has spoken, now about that English comp class...

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Shut the fuck up. You're in a basement somewhere in Saint Petersburg. POS

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In that case, Sir, there must be many good people doing many great things for very great reason and with much success out of basements somewhere in Saint Petersberg! 😂

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Sound like 7th grader playground parlance

Do try again

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"This goes against our community standards on spam." I quote Facebook when they notified me that my posting of the above article had been taken down -- within a few hours. Political censorship is real.

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Oh my word!!! Sickening censorship!!!

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Yet Zuckerburg claims he regrets censoring covid posts. Believe nothing these tyrsnts say. Bobby is the real deal!❤️

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The better question is why the admission and why now??

DJT just warned Zuck, that election meddling will result in life imprisonment.

That warning is hardly exclusive to Zuck...

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Perfect response.

And why "they" want him (and Bobby) gone "by any means necessary."

God help them survive. 🙏

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Because he made a deal that most could not begin to understand. The vaccine as you might have seen was nano robots as well as the PCR. What nobody is really calling the technology in it is wetware tech. Basically they connected the human mind to AI. Remember when Yuval said COVID is a chance for technology to go under the skin. He said it with purpose. More to the story but eventually you all will hear it all. It's pretty unbelievable and I saw it first hand.

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Humans are now hackable."

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I REALLY hope you're wrong, Chad, bu fear you are not. 😬

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He aint wrong, theyve been telling us what they want for a decade. A programmable and/or Inept population.

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don't take it personally or even politically. FB simply doesn't tolerate Substack.

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Have to call this out. Being on FB is stupid. I assessed FB at the origins and knew

"you do not get something, for nothing" Why did people not see this?????????

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100%. And when you do get something for nothing the price is higher than you will ever know.

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Such as what you get from a "free" covid shot.

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The ultimate example of what ‘free’ costs. Highest price ever.

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FB a military intelligence contractor from get go. Started with CIA seed money. Deep state tentacles are EVERYWHERE

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You are exactly correct. There are countless peeps on FB that now know its beyond evil and yet they stay due to "friends"

Interesting reasoning for sure.

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My so called "friends" & "family" are beyond reach.

I only reach out to "strangers" now.

Better than nothing, right?



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Many have similar circumstance now that the acceleration is upon us.

Due to necessity we must redefine "friends" and loyalty and make the best possible decisions as the battle progresses.

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I don’t disagree. But to reach a goodly number of people ….. it’s the place.

I’ve been warned more than once.

Censoring political speech is unconstitutional so I’m not sure why it continues.

I’m concerned we have too many people ill informed or lazy or apathetic.

One day it will be too late.

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A private company can censor who it wants.

Doing it at the behest of the government is unconstitutional.

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You make a sound argument. However the definition of private company is of great interest. The gubmint controls as Zuck just admitted.

Pelosi just took responsibility for J6 after blamming it on DJT for years.

We are watching collapse, freefalling...

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Pelosi's belated, acknowledged responsibility in the form of her statements revealed in videos KEPT HIDDEN by the rogue J6 committee.

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Saying its "the" place implies there are not viable better options.

That is absolutely not true. We are on Substack, one said option, by no means faultless, but viable now.

Censorship of free speech, whatever the category, is unconstitutional.

We have compromised lawmakers.

Just as the Medical Cartel controls its docs, the Uniparty is controlled by oligarchs.

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Agreed. Stop following the crowd & create a better place. Force the tyrants to adapt to us. Freedom isnt free, do the work

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Youre not reaching people though, its an illusion. Their censoring tech is way smarter than you realize. You are just exposing urself to the deep state, completing your IT "fingerprint" for their forever records. 100%

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so are you now clear that its not in yours or anybodys best interest to be on FaceBook??

Having a picnic on the railroad tracks is not wise...

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I dumped Fakebook over 3 years ago when they jailed me for speaking out against the death jabs.

RFK and DJT are on our side. If they lose the entire world loses, not just the USA.

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they will not loose

hence the panic

Musk's poll showed 70 plus %

they cannot cheat enough this go round

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Thus #2 of "whatever it takes" to kil DJT

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And the Deep State is real & does NOT have our best interests.

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A lone voice in the wilderness.

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I only use farcebook to share great articles from and piss off half of my family, all of my former friends and band mates, and just generally be a thorn in everyone’s flip flop.

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Yes I concede there is that reasoning. It is not mine.

DJT warned Zuck (after his admission of censoring thus wanking 2020)

that he would spend the rest of his life in prison if he attempts to do the same in Nov '24. Facebook Meta (a failed rebranding) is a criminal Data Collection Scheme.

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Articles from here.

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A mistake, you badly underestimate your vulnerability

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Vulnerability? lol. Sorry Barn, but I’m not feeling particularly vulnerable these days. They say with age comes wisdom. It’s also said that with age, life in prison, or death, doesn’t carry the same weight it does at a young age.

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Good onya! ❤️🎯

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but zuckerberg said he wouldn't censor anymore.............trying to be Christian and not hate but its hard sometimes.

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Zuck is a puppet of the deep state, his destiny is no longer his own. He knows too much & if he rebels, he is likely worm food... Murder Inc

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hate the false belief, not the fool having it

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Try X.

Or restack it.

I sure did!

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No kidding Celeste. Why then have a picnic on the RR tracks?????

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I absolutely can’t say enough about Mr Kennedy. I have been as dedicated a supporter as possible. I’ve never been involved in politics like this. I’ve had the chance to meet him at his request, had the chance to interview Nicole…they’re amazing people who I have a new admiration for. I told another supporter yesterday that I didn’t think I could like him more…until I saw Friday.

He put country first. Something only noble men and women do. Thank you for this article and for your work on this campaign. I am so proud I was a part of it in a small way. It’s a fabulous moment for our country.

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Yeah, well Mr. Kennedy is not running for Pres and never had a snowballs chance in hell.

DJT is the mastermind deal maker. He is the true visionary, taking nothing from RFK who has his own genius and massive contributions!!

Ain't about RFK, its all about DJT!!!!!!!

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I’m a Trumper who’s admired RFKjr re: vaccines & the “sick care” in place to keep people unhealthy while making pharmaceutical companies wealthier.

I think Bobby truly followed his heart in joining with Trump; a selfless & brave move.

I’m thrilled these 2 patriots have linked arms to stop communism (Kakala) & root out corruption in DC government. Massive undertaking.

Praying people must commit to heavy duty prayer for their protection plus being able to get their policies & plans “out there” (media ignores them while covering Harris’ rearend.

Pray that any & all election corruption will be outed. Names named. Pray for every aspect you can think of & cover all in prayers prayers prayers.

With God nothing is impossible.

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Susan, that's what my blog is about- the pharmaceutical products and companies. One you start researching, it's scary as hell. I love that RFK is standing against it.

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Well stated! Thinking this collaboration was extremely well thought out and facilitated. I saw it coming several months ago and stated so publicly.

Have aligned my intention in this direction. It is analogous to prayer, though as you say direct appeals to the Divine are necessary.

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Yes and no. DJT needs people who aren't afraid to speak out and stand up and quite honestly, won't be controlled by the system in place. I love Trump, but he needs people around him who can stand on their own- people who have been burned by the system but still stand. It's not taking anything from RFK, but it's joining forces to create a greater force.

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Its about both & you know it, get off the high horse. This is a team now, no place for bluster & infighting

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DJT is the Pres elect, having 2020 stolen.

It is a team sort of... not bluster or infighting at all

It is accurate assessment

Not trying to take anything from RFK and his contributions.

That said in Nov he is at best a general...

What is that horse you think you see, Mr Rubble?

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Your attitude is the horse. Go argue with somebody else about RFKs relevance. Trump has adolescent likevisdues, there needs to be an adult on the TEAM

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So says Barney. Fred F just opened a Derangement Syndrome walk in clinic.

Get there soon Rubble...

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Barney has crickets in his craw?

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Ur pathetic & exposed

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What a wonderful surprise to appear in my inbox. Missed your insights, but so glad this is why you disappeared! We've been pulling for him on the streets and it's nice to hear this account from an insider on the national campaign.

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I saw a Breaking Points interview where Michael Tracey went on and on with amazing venom about Bobby's "sellout." It was so intense that I had the distinct feeling I was hearing from a jilted lover. Perhaps these opinions come from people that can't handle emotional complexity (looks like vaccine injuries to their cognitive functions!)

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I became an attorney due to the inspiration of Robert Kenndy Sr. and moved into natural healing to heal myself. I've been a practitioner and advocate of natural healing for 27 years now.

God bless Robert Kennedy Jr. - he has been and continues to be the inspirtation for me to keep up the fight for a healthy and sane society. "Fight , Fight, Fight".

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Some of us have been into "Natural Healing" and are pedigreed professionals for 35 years.

Great that you left the "Bar" nothing but drunks there.

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Love this!!! ♥️♥️♥️

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Beautiful. My husband and I are teared up reading this. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your hard work on RFK's campaign and shining the light on the powerful, selfless act of joining Trump for the most worthy cause in the world.

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Yes, it's a couple of tissues for me too.

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I echo Kristen Cummins post. Every time I read an account of this, I get goosebumps and tear up. I am totally in with RFKJ. I pray for him and pray for the alliance that is being formed. I pray for their health and well being. I get this gut feeling that this is truly the turning point for our children and that perhaps one day, childhood obesity, SIDS, gender confusion and overall health and well being will be the legacy for all our children, no matter their socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, or sex. I have believed there has been a war on children for a very long time, initiated by the desire of big pharma to inoculate each and every one with poisons for financial gain. I pray for our nation. Thanks for this eloquent post. I am glad you were there to witness it and share with your readers.

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I am so heartened to hear you say this after all the work you've put in on Robert's campaign. This is a beautiful tribute to him ~ and a huge credit to you and your teammates for all the time and energy you dedicated to making this historic moment possible.

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Your engaging article captures the reason for parental excitement about RFK Jr joining the Trump Campaign. FINALLY, an informed nationally recognized, articulate advocate for children who will get results. Americans need to listen closely, read his articles, and demand change for the sake of our children. Thank you and ‘The RFK Team’ for your impactful contributions to wake up Americans.

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Wow! Thank you for this! 😇

I collected signatures etc. for Bobby and have come to realize he’s as brave and awesome as his dad was. And Nicole is a superstar too!

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Thank you Levi Quackenboss, a name, a gifted writer, a smart person who disappeared from my email. Wish there were clones of you to pitch in where they are needed the most. I have been writing in Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the past 3 elections.

Thank you and may the force be with us all.

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Sorry you feel that way

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He saved my child. I have followed him for years before he ran for President. I have the utmost respect and honour for him, and I will follow him anywhere, as I know he is wise. This is about unity, not fighting each other, he is going where he can make a difference. He is selfless and a voice for the voiceless. I truly love this man and always will.

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And I love YOU and your comment. ❤️

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He had my vote, but he is off the ticket in Texas now, so I will vote for him by voting for Trump.

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~ ~ ~ see update below ~ ~ ~

YES! In battleground states, a vote for Trump is needed to keep RFK on the path to achieving his vitally important goals regarding children's health, war and censorship. In all-blue or all-red states, where your vote won't make a difference in the outcome, VOTE KENNEDY. This will help achieve many things if Kennedy gets 5% of the vote nationwide, including a viable third party in the next election and much-needed funding, recognition, debate access, etc.

And keep in mind that RFK hasn't pulled out of the election, he has just suspended his campaign and will still be on most state ballots. If Harris or Trump fail to get 270 electoral votes, Kennedy could still be in the running and end up in the White House.

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I'm so happy he still has a chance, either this year or in 2028!

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Beth, that is called a collaboration. Focus on that and saving the Republic.

DJT can tell you 1000x more about persection and censorship.

Some of us have known this for a very very long time.

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UPDATE: Due to totalitarianism surging around the world, RFK subsequently announced that Trump needs to win in a landslide in both the popular vote and Electoral College in order for the vote not to be contested and challenged. He's urging everyone to vote Trump, and a vote for Trump is a vote for Kennedy and their shared, existential goals. A close vote would be disastrous.

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Woo HOO for Texans. (And HEB!)

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Best possible decision then or now.

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Thank you for giving us insight. I was elated when I saw the crowd’s reaction to RFK. ❤️ I felt an energy shift that day, and it calmed some.

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