Great read. If you haven’t read it, Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill’s book “Age of Autism” is an exhaustive deep dive into the role of mercury in medicine for the last 500 years and how it led to autism. It should have won the Pulitzer Prize. Still should.
You mention the psychiatrists and doctors among Kanner’s children’s parents. Indeed, many psychiatrists treated patients with GPI, an affliction associated with syphilis. Syphilis was treated with mercury at that time. In fact, it was the basis of the famous Tuskegee experiment to withhold it and find out why black men weren’t developing GPI. (Because mercury and syphilis in combination appear to be the cause.)
Most alarming, however, and by far the smoking gun in my opinion, is the mother of one of the original eight Kanner children: Dr. Elizabeth Peabody Trevitt. She is the creator of the well baby visit, quite literally the reason everyone continues to go for “well visits”. She believed a baby couldn’t be vaccinated often or early enough with the new Thimerosal containing diphtheria vaccine in the early 1930’s and is on record saying so. And she is the mother of one of the first children to ever be diagnosed with autism. Think of the tragedy of her legacy? It’s hard to fathom.
Likewise, two of the eight children had fathers who were research professors. They even worked at the same university at one point. (What are the chances of that?) Thimerosal’s sister products were Ceresan and Lignasan, a seed preservative and a lumber preservative respectively. One father was experimenting with Ceresan seeds. They found a brochure for it in his archives during research for their book. The other father was a forestry professor studying Lignasan. Both products were banned by the 80’s for being too toxic. Too toxic for trees. Too toxic for seeds. Still injected into babies and pregnant women.
And then you have child number one, Donald Triplett, who they found first (not those authors of whatever book that was “in a different key” or something like that). He lived in Mississippi, just next to a lumber plant that happened to be one of the first ever to use Lignasan. And his parents just built their first house when he was born.
Oh, and lest we forget that Thimerosal was first used anywhere in the world in two places. Baltimore, Maryland, home of John Hopkins University (where Kanner and the parents in medicine were from including Trevitt) and Austria. (The book explains how this came to be.) We injected babies with mercury in infancy in the US. Austria injected them as toddlers. Both are the birthplaces of autism, classic and Asperger’s.
I could go on. The “coincidences” are innumerable. Mankind has been poisoned by medicine for centuries. The latest manifestations are simply the evidence of how it has evolved. We are here today not only because of that, but also because Leo Kanner made one giant mistake when asking what could be causing it.
It wasn’t that the parents of these children, especially the mothers, were smart or worked, a theory that has led us to this moment. It was what they worked WITH.
Julie, thank you for this informative comment. Shamefully, I've not read Mark's book but I'm ordering it right now. I don't see a child who could have had the last name Peabody or Trevett in Kanner's publication of the 11 kids. The only T last name is Donald Triplett. I found the AoA write up where they said the child's name was John. Case 10 is John F., but Kanner said his mother was a high school graduate working as a secretary. AoA says this child was Case 7. Kanner says Case 7 was Herbert B, father was a psychiatrist and mother a physician. The birth dates do match.
Kanner used made up names and initials. You won’t find a match using them. I don’t have my information with me right now but I can tell you which number he was later today when I get home. Dan and Mark solved autism and so much more with this book. You will never see anything the same again. Their hypothesis of the new era of industrial disease, where one microbe and one toxin combine with tragic results (especially when the toxin can cross the blood brain barrier and take a virus or microbe with it), makes so much sense. This tragedy has been centuries in the making. The human suffering at the hands of medicine is immeasurable. And they prove it beyond any reasonable doubt. Can’t wait to hear your take.
Ok, so Trevett's son was Child 7, Herbert B. Dad, psychiatrst. Mom, pediatrician. That's her. Donald T. was one of only a few children who Kanner used the real name and last initial for, which is why it becomes confusing. As mentioned, she is on record saying a child "couldn't be vaccinated early or often enough" with diptheria toxoid vaccine. That's a real quote from a newspaper article she's in.
As for the other parents I mentioned, the fathers were Frederick Wellman and William Miller, fathers of Children 2 and 3 respectively. Both worked at one time at North Carolina State University (although I don't believe at the same time). Both studied ethyl mercury fungicides for a living, Miller in trees as a forestry professor, Wellman in plants as a plant pathologist (cabbage to be precise) at the University of Wisconsin.
This is extremely significant because after Morris Kharasch, a chemical engineer working for the government, patented and commercialized his ethyl mercury compound in the late 1920's (it was an attempt at a biological weapon that didn't work out - mercury is horrible weapon because its effects take a long time to manifest - so he sold it before the FDA existed to see if maybe this wasn't a good idea), it became 3 distinct products. Eli Lilly bought the rights to merthiolate and commercialized it as Thimerosal on May 13, 1929. DuPont and Bayer (a German company) teamed up to buy what became Ceresan, a seed preservative. And DuPont alone bought the rights to what became Lignasan, a lumber preservative. Those came to be in 1930.
The first seeds that Ceresan were ever used on were tobacco, cotton, tomatoes, cabbage. And the first places where Lignasan was ever used were two specific lumberyards, one in Mississippi and one in Louisiana. Forest, Mississipi to be precise, the birthplace of Donald Triplett, the first child ever to be diagnosed with autism, who happened to live right next to the lumber yard and whose parents just built a house when he was born.
As if that weren't enough, when Dan and Mark opened Frederick Wellman's archives at the University of Wisconsin, a brochure for Ceresan was right on top. The father of the second child to ever be born and diagnosed with autism was a plant pathologist working with ethyl mercury fungicides, literally using the sister product of Thimerosal.
Likewise, 4 of the first 11 fathers being psychiatrists is significant because psychiatry often used mercury to treat a form of insanity known as GPI (General Paralysis of the Insane) experienced by about 10-15% of syphilis sufferers. Mercury was the medicine of choice for syphilis before antibiotics existed. In fact, the famous Tuskegee experiment was conducted to figure out why black men weren't getting GPI. It didn't occur to them that perhaps the reason black men weren't getting GPI wasn't because of their race, but rather because they couldn't afford the mercury to treat the condition.
So you put all this together, and there is no mystery about what happened. Experimental usage of a synthetic version of one of the world's deadliest toxins which had been created for biological warfare that was grandfathered into use for humans, trees, and seeds before the existence of an FDA caused this nightmare.
Thimerosal was first used in two places in the world. Baltimore, Maryland and Austria, the first two places anyone sees and comes up with a name for autism anywhere in the world.
Lignasan was first used in Forest, Mississipi, where the first child born to be diagnosed with autism ever lived.
Dr. Trevett literally creates the well-baby visit, goes on record saying you can't vaccinate a child enough with a thimerosal containing vaccine, and has the 7th child in the world ever diagnosed with autism.
Five of the 11 first children diagnosed by Kanner live in Baltimore, the first place Thimerosal is ever used.
Four of the fathers are psychiatrists living in Baltimore very, very likely working with mercury for syphilis.
Two of the fathers work with ethyl mercury compounds for research in plants and lumber and at one time work at the same university.
I mean, come on. This has been solved for a decade. Mercury may not be the only thing causing autism, but it damn well was the first. The theory that a neurotoxin can allow a virus or microbe access across the blood brain barrier to cause a catastrophe also makes perfect sense.
And this nightmare started way before autism showed up. Mercury was used for 500 hundred years prior to antibiotics. The ramifications of what man's attempt at medicine has done to man are impossible to overstate.
Someone please show me the scientific studies that investigate the consequences of kids popping 20 milligrams of Prozac for depression and another 60 milligrams of Adderall for their so-called ADHD, Klonopin or Xanax for anxiety and OCD behaviors and a bit of pharmaceutical grade lithium for mood stabilizing. How in the world is psychiatry still a condoned medical practice? Tom Cruise hit the nail on the head 18 years ago, you’ll never change my mind.
"Among 484 evaluable drugs, 31 drugs met the study criteria for a disproportionate association with violence, and accounted for 1527/1937 (79%) of the violence cases. The drugs are listed in Table 1. They include varenicline (a smoking cessation aid), 11 antidepressant drugs, 3 drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and 5 hypnotic/sedatives."
You have put the pieces of the puzzle of many troubling mental health disorders together and explained how they came into existence. Thank you for this informative article. I had a small pox vaccine when I was five years old and then developed tonsillitis and could hardly eat and became sickly. Then my tonsils and adenoids were removed in first grade. I always felt that I was poisoned by the vaccine. It seems to me that Allopathic medicine was full of deceit and denialism from the inception and so it continues.
Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023Liked by Levi Quackenboss
LOL... Excellent and insightful post. Thanks for tackling this difficult subject. IMO, you are on to the real underlying "causes" of these various dysphorias. I have been dragging a MD degree through life since 1974 and industrialization/corporatization of medicine has spread to every nook and cranny of the field. We have reduced all Human health and wellness to mechanistic constructs that are "fixed" by "technological" intervention (pharma, surgery, nuclear and radiological) interventions that are the most profitable to the bottom lines of our Ruling Corporatist State.
It didn't have to be this way, but it is now coming to an end. It is simply not sustainable, IMO.
Over the past couple of decades, I have witnessed the emergence of more and more "gay" people (now into "trans" and many other dysphorias - and, yes, ASD persons) within my small sphere of influence. I am a father of two children who are both gay (adopted son who lost his life to PTSD and a daughter who is happily married to her girlfriend). This unanticipated life path even led to my own excommunication due to being "contumacious" (was not willing to pursue church discipline against the kids - What would Jesus do? Walk away!).
Anyway, it appears to me that we really have been dealing with an iatrogenic issue that is creating this huge shift into increasing numbers of dysphoric persons. This seems to be a largely Western phenomenon and must be associated with chemical./nuclear/biological/EMF waste that now saturates us here in Amerika, Inc., and most of its client states in the West. I am certain that TPTB recognized this emerging issue years ago and proceeded to roll out evermore Orwellian techno-totalitarian control mechanisms to both enhance and profit from the issue. Much of what we are seeing today is, of course, amplified and manipulated by our Ruling Psychopathy to loot the populace and better control them via endless division and manipulation. Perhaps, there are even extraterrestrial "energies from Space" (to quote the inimitable Clif High) that are triggering certain susceptible individuals. IMO, our endstage Pirate Corporatism system is also at fault as it has built into it hopelessness, dis-empowerment, and deracination.
We are riding a tsunami wave of Human-created poltical/sociocultural/chemical/biological/nuclear/EMF "waste" that threatens to drown us all. Unless, we can learn to love one another and care for one another - no matter what our "dysphoria" of the moment may be (and, I have come to believe that we are ALL dysphoric at some level) - then our species is doomed.
A good place to start the healing is to recognize that our 0.001% Ruling Elite has been collectively serving only themselves for centuries and that they have literally been warring upon us my entire lifetime.
It is past time for those guilty of these vast crimes against Humankind to be rounded up and voted off the planet.
You mentioned trauma and psychiatric medications as related to dissociation, which factors into dysphoria. I was picking my brain and came up with a few more.
Gaming and living online. Have you heard of Swords Art Online? This was a true fantasy for many youngsters in the gaming/anime world. The game is more real than life. I have known kids who had wished it were real. Also a concept in Ready Player One. Anyways, imagine when you are so integrated in a virtual world that it can be difficult to deal with basic physical needs like bathroom or even food. Imagine being driven not to sleep, and then sleep all day. It is a recipe for disembodiment. If these kids are also drugged, uh oh.
This comes to the next big dissociation factor that came to my mind: lockdowns and the fear campaign. I think you stay present and cogent and in your body by doing physical things, by feeling yourself in your body in relation to real people in real bodies, by having full sensory experiences of the real world. Now, you can't do physical things like exercise because the virus is possibly in the air. You have to cover up faces, reducing sensation and the ability to have a physical-emotional response to others. Disconnect is even provoked with one's own family, breaking up relationships of healthy co-regulation. Not being able to know others is simultaneously not being able to be known is simultaneously not knowing your own self. And then, when you're afraid, and the outlook is grim, and you're supposed to just stuff it, seems like dissociation and pathways to dissociation are helpful tools. Lockdowns and fear campaigns funnel into all the other bad stuff, it seems.
Porn. It is very physical, and offers a release and feeling in the body, but through curating an inner fantasy that at the most mild is just not real. At worst, that inner fantasy life is grossly unhealthy and cements your inability to properly be in your real body with real people, both of whom are definitely not up to porn fantasy standards. Attaching yourself sexually to something unreal and impossible to be real is a real attachment, an attachment to being what you are not and cannot be. You seek physical truth for yourself, but at the same time, you cannot have it.
Puberty. It takes a long time for a young person to go through the process of growing up and becoming who they are. And the body just keeps on moving the bar. Imagine all of that process could just be written off as not actually being you. You just happen to be unnaturally trapped.
Anyways, these are probably pretty familiar elements to most, and I bet we can think of more.
I'm also a big critic of schools as systems for institutionalizing everyone involved in them. I was a teacher for many years, mostly in very nontraditional settings, but I also saw inside the secular fortress.
In school you learn right answers and right thinking, and you don't learn them by way of community or relationships or self reflection or however it makes sense to learn them. You learn because someone was authoritative enough to stand at the head of the classroom and tell you what what is right, and grade you on it and tell you to be quiet and if it is OK to use your body to go to the bathroom or move around.
In school your idea about how your want to spend this time or how you feel or what you think is taught to you to be displaced. At best you can cultivate an inner voice that individuates you in a healthy way, but I think it is sort of the point to institutionalize people when they are young, and to do so intensively for their best waking hours. It really is a big job to employ children into: the job of your mind and body and time belonging first to someone else. When I see kids who grow up embedded in loving relationships within which there is immediate and continuous responsibility to so many thoughts and feelings, I feel pained to then think of my public school experience witnessing children taught a disconnected obedience and repression of themselves. I truly believe that if you live long enough ignoring and desensitizing yourself to your own self, you can actually cease being able to tell what you are feeling and thinking. I think this is a process of dissociation.
I know there are many exceptional schools and individuals, and also resourceful children who get through intact and integrated, but I think there is enough of what I've observed for it to be considered characteristic to a significant portion of educational institutions. Worth the discussion at least.
This can also be an experience of employment. Also possibly of church. It was for me, in my case.
And then, even the medical experience is dissociative. Just think, the first thing they do at your appointment is weight, height, blood pressure... You're not yourself, you are what the tools and rubrics find you to be. And then, you are a commodity, through insurance, or by getting "care" through mega health corporations. Doctors become technicians and good employees, following the protocol. It's even all there on the computers. It tells you which tests to do and what you can or cannot offer. And you get those informational printouts for what is wrong with you. "wrong with you" - wow! I think we have a dissociative problem all over the place! I really need to stop thinking about this!
Another: pain. Think of the self-harm, cutting, picking.
Also, I have had teens talk to me about their materialist nihilistic outlooks. Everything is F'd. Climate change, politics, the Neverending culture wars, the -isms,... Our consciousness is a function of neurons firing and chemical reactions in the brain. We think we love, but really it is just chemical. And, you know, after the lockdowns, and being the death of grandmas, and crapola virtual school that yells "idiot" at everyone who's not faring at all... There is just no there there. At least, the "I" that I am is not there and the hopeless futility would not be bearable if I allow myself to really be here. (I'm elaborating what I've encountered; these are not my personal feelings.)
Very informative! One of my customers is a nurse and worked for a famous sex change doctor. She said about half of them were suicidal with regret wishing they had not had the operation. A great many also never had the full operation and some were difficult to identify in this area.
That doctor was a genius as a surgeon not only in sex change operations but also in reattaching finger, hands and arms. Sadly he is most known only for his major skill! He passed away some years back.
What they are doing to children today is simply child abuse. They start with jabs and then want to mutilate and call it surgery.
To answer your question, Yes all the affected kids deserve better. How is society to help if the parents are in denial. If doctors can't be trusted to treat the core problem, who then? I am grateful that my family was poor and undereducated with limited access to "modern" medicine. As it turns out, it was a blessing in disguise. Very good, thought provoking read.
All of this is EXACTLY as KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov outlined in his 60 Minutes interview in the 1980s. If you missed this, here it is. INTERVIEW with Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984).
And for those cowards that think they can "sit this one out," a hint: You CAN'T.... you WON'T... and they ***never intended for you to be ABLE TO. **** Or as one woman told me, when I told her about the shot, the aborted fetal material used or tested with: "I know, but I just want to go to Cancun next month."
We all remember the flap over Thimerasol, right ? Big Pharma claimed it was totally safe to use, despite the fact that this adjuvant contains mercury and is neurotoxic to humans but especially to the young , because of the susceptibility to damage of rapidly dividing cells that are already at a higher risk of transcriptions errors.
Finally , after much conflicting data , between the obvious and overt vaccine injuries witnessed by parents, and the drug companies paid studies demonstrating safety, Thimerasol was phased out because safe or not it was bad press, bad optics, for drug companies to have to keep responding to constant new complaints from parents that all the trouble with their previously healthy normal child started after the vaccine containing Thimerasol was given .
And I wonder if we might be seeing a long tail from not just generations of mercury poisonings but concurrently the addition of all these new insults from psychoactive drugs and other sources of brain injury.
Great read. If you haven’t read it, Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill’s book “Age of Autism” is an exhaustive deep dive into the role of mercury in medicine for the last 500 years and how it led to autism. It should have won the Pulitzer Prize. Still should.
You mention the psychiatrists and doctors among Kanner’s children’s parents. Indeed, many psychiatrists treated patients with GPI, an affliction associated with syphilis. Syphilis was treated with mercury at that time. In fact, it was the basis of the famous Tuskegee experiment to withhold it and find out why black men weren’t developing GPI. (Because mercury and syphilis in combination appear to be the cause.)
Most alarming, however, and by far the smoking gun in my opinion, is the mother of one of the original eight Kanner children: Dr. Elizabeth Peabody Trevitt. She is the creator of the well baby visit, quite literally the reason everyone continues to go for “well visits”. She believed a baby couldn’t be vaccinated often or early enough with the new Thimerosal containing diphtheria vaccine in the early 1930’s and is on record saying so. And she is the mother of one of the first children to ever be diagnosed with autism. Think of the tragedy of her legacy? It’s hard to fathom.
Likewise, two of the eight children had fathers who were research professors. They even worked at the same university at one point. (What are the chances of that?) Thimerosal’s sister products were Ceresan and Lignasan, a seed preservative and a lumber preservative respectively. One father was experimenting with Ceresan seeds. They found a brochure for it in his archives during research for their book. The other father was a forestry professor studying Lignasan. Both products were banned by the 80’s for being too toxic. Too toxic for trees. Too toxic for seeds. Still injected into babies and pregnant women.
And then you have child number one, Donald Triplett, who they found first (not those authors of whatever book that was “in a different key” or something like that). He lived in Mississippi, just next to a lumber plant that happened to be one of the first ever to use Lignasan. And his parents just built their first house when he was born.
Oh, and lest we forget that Thimerosal was first used anywhere in the world in two places. Baltimore, Maryland, home of John Hopkins University (where Kanner and the parents in medicine were from including Trevitt) and Austria. (The book explains how this came to be.) We injected babies with mercury in infancy in the US. Austria injected them as toddlers. Both are the birthplaces of autism, classic and Asperger’s.
I could go on. The “coincidences” are innumerable. Mankind has been poisoned by medicine for centuries. The latest manifestations are simply the evidence of how it has evolved. We are here today not only because of that, but also because Leo Kanner made one giant mistake when asking what could be causing it.
It wasn’t that the parents of these children, especially the mothers, were smart or worked, a theory that has led us to this moment. It was what they worked WITH.
And here we are.
Julie, thank you for this informative comment. Shamefully, I've not read Mark's book but I'm ordering it right now. I don't see a child who could have had the last name Peabody or Trevett in Kanner's publication of the 11 kids. The only T last name is Donald Triplett. I found the AoA write up where they said the child's name was John. Case 10 is John F., but Kanner said his mother was a high school graduate working as a secretary. AoA says this child was Case 7. Kanner says Case 7 was Herbert B, father was a psychiatrist and mother a physician. The birth dates do match.
Kanner used made up names and initials. You won’t find a match using them. I don’t have my information with me right now but I can tell you which number he was later today when I get home. Dan and Mark solved autism and so much more with this book. You will never see anything the same again. Their hypothesis of the new era of industrial disease, where one microbe and one toxin combine with tragic results (especially when the toxin can cross the blood brain barrier and take a virus or microbe with it), makes so much sense. This tragedy has been centuries in the making. The human suffering at the hands of medicine is immeasurable. And they prove it beyond any reasonable doubt. Can’t wait to hear your take.
Ok, so Trevett's son was Child 7, Herbert B. Dad, psychiatrst. Mom, pediatrician. That's her. Donald T. was one of only a few children who Kanner used the real name and last initial for, which is why it becomes confusing. As mentioned, she is on record saying a child "couldn't be vaccinated early or often enough" with diptheria toxoid vaccine. That's a real quote from a newspaper article she's in.
As for the other parents I mentioned, the fathers were Frederick Wellman and William Miller, fathers of Children 2 and 3 respectively. Both worked at one time at North Carolina State University (although I don't believe at the same time). Both studied ethyl mercury fungicides for a living, Miller in trees as a forestry professor, Wellman in plants as a plant pathologist (cabbage to be precise) at the University of Wisconsin.
This is extremely significant because after Morris Kharasch, a chemical engineer working for the government, patented and commercialized his ethyl mercury compound in the late 1920's (it was an attempt at a biological weapon that didn't work out - mercury is horrible weapon because its effects take a long time to manifest - so he sold it before the FDA existed to see if maybe this wasn't a good idea), it became 3 distinct products. Eli Lilly bought the rights to merthiolate and commercialized it as Thimerosal on May 13, 1929. DuPont and Bayer (a German company) teamed up to buy what became Ceresan, a seed preservative. And DuPont alone bought the rights to what became Lignasan, a lumber preservative. Those came to be in 1930.
The first seeds that Ceresan were ever used on were tobacco, cotton, tomatoes, cabbage. And the first places where Lignasan was ever used were two specific lumberyards, one in Mississippi and one in Louisiana. Forest, Mississipi to be precise, the birthplace of Donald Triplett, the first child ever to be diagnosed with autism, who happened to live right next to the lumber yard and whose parents just built a house when he was born.
As if that weren't enough, when Dan and Mark opened Frederick Wellman's archives at the University of Wisconsin, a brochure for Ceresan was right on top. The father of the second child to ever be born and diagnosed with autism was a plant pathologist working with ethyl mercury fungicides, literally using the sister product of Thimerosal.
Likewise, 4 of the first 11 fathers being psychiatrists is significant because psychiatry often used mercury to treat a form of insanity known as GPI (General Paralysis of the Insane) experienced by about 10-15% of syphilis sufferers. Mercury was the medicine of choice for syphilis before antibiotics existed. In fact, the famous Tuskegee experiment was conducted to figure out why black men weren't getting GPI. It didn't occur to them that perhaps the reason black men weren't getting GPI wasn't because of their race, but rather because they couldn't afford the mercury to treat the condition.
So you put all this together, and there is no mystery about what happened. Experimental usage of a synthetic version of one of the world's deadliest toxins which had been created for biological warfare that was grandfathered into use for humans, trees, and seeds before the existence of an FDA caused this nightmare.
Thimerosal was first used in two places in the world. Baltimore, Maryland and Austria, the first two places anyone sees and comes up with a name for autism anywhere in the world.
Lignasan was first used in Forest, Mississipi, where the first child born to be diagnosed with autism ever lived.
Dr. Trevett literally creates the well-baby visit, goes on record saying you can't vaccinate a child enough with a thimerosal containing vaccine, and has the 7th child in the world ever diagnosed with autism.
Five of the 11 first children diagnosed by Kanner live in Baltimore, the first place Thimerosal is ever used.
Four of the fathers are psychiatrists living in Baltimore very, very likely working with mercury for syphilis.
Two of the fathers work with ethyl mercury compounds for research in plants and lumber and at one time work at the same university.
I mean, come on. This has been solved for a decade. Mercury may not be the only thing causing autism, but it damn well was the first. The theory that a neurotoxin can allow a virus or microbe access across the blood brain barrier to cause a catastrophe also makes perfect sense.
And this nightmare started way before autism showed up. Mercury was used for 500 hundred years prior to antibiotics. The ramifications of what man's attempt at medicine has done to man are impossible to overstate.
Johns Hopkins = the ROCKEFELLER connection......
Your pieces are always worth the read. Thank you.
Someone please show me the scientific studies that investigate the consequences of kids popping 20 milligrams of Prozac for depression and another 60 milligrams of Adderall for their so-called ADHD, Klonopin or Xanax for anxiety and OCD behaviors and a bit of pharmaceutical grade lithium for mood stabilizing. How in the world is psychiatry still a condoned medical practice? Tom Cruise hit the nail on the head 18 years ago, you’ll never change my mind.
"Among 484 evaluable drugs, 31 drugs met the study criteria for a disproportionate association with violence, and accounted for 1527/1937 (79%) of the violence cases. The drugs are listed in Table 1. They include varenicline (a smoking cessation aid), 11 antidepressant drugs, 3 drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and 5 hypnotic/sedatives."
Thank you very much for posting this article! Valuable information!
Brain damage is no joke!
Adding insult to injury, the medical misadventure system often exploits illness for maximum profit.
The devastation is truly unimaginable.
You have put the pieces of the puzzle of many troubling mental health disorders together and explained how they came into existence. Thank you for this informative article. I had a small pox vaccine when I was five years old and then developed tonsillitis and could hardly eat and became sickly. Then my tonsils and adenoids were removed in first grade. I always felt that I was poisoned by the vaccine. It seems to me that Allopathic medicine was full of deceit and denialism from the inception and so it continues.
Eleanor mcbean has books showing how your comment is true. Deception from the inception of the AMA.
LOL... Excellent and insightful post. Thanks for tackling this difficult subject. IMO, you are on to the real underlying "causes" of these various dysphorias. I have been dragging a MD degree through life since 1974 and industrialization/corporatization of medicine has spread to every nook and cranny of the field. We have reduced all Human health and wellness to mechanistic constructs that are "fixed" by "technological" intervention (pharma, surgery, nuclear and radiological) interventions that are the most profitable to the bottom lines of our Ruling Corporatist State.
It didn't have to be this way, but it is now coming to an end. It is simply not sustainable, IMO.
Over the past couple of decades, I have witnessed the emergence of more and more "gay" people (now into "trans" and many other dysphorias - and, yes, ASD persons) within my small sphere of influence. I am a father of two children who are both gay (adopted son who lost his life to PTSD and a daughter who is happily married to her girlfriend). This unanticipated life path even led to my own excommunication due to being "contumacious" (was not willing to pursue church discipline against the kids - What would Jesus do? Walk away!).
Anyway, it appears to me that we really have been dealing with an iatrogenic issue that is creating this huge shift into increasing numbers of dysphoric persons. This seems to be a largely Western phenomenon and must be associated with chemical./nuclear/biological/EMF waste that now saturates us here in Amerika, Inc., and most of its client states in the West. I am certain that TPTB recognized this emerging issue years ago and proceeded to roll out evermore Orwellian techno-totalitarian control mechanisms to both enhance and profit from the issue. Much of what we are seeing today is, of course, amplified and manipulated by our Ruling Psychopathy to loot the populace and better control them via endless division and manipulation. Perhaps, there are even extraterrestrial "energies from Space" (to quote the inimitable Clif High) that are triggering certain susceptible individuals. IMO, our endstage Pirate Corporatism system is also at fault as it has built into it hopelessness, dis-empowerment, and deracination.
We are riding a tsunami wave of Human-created poltical/sociocultural/chemical/biological/nuclear/EMF "waste" that threatens to drown us all. Unless, we can learn to love one another and care for one another - no matter what our "dysphoria" of the moment may be (and, I have come to believe that we are ALL dysphoric at some level) - then our species is doomed.
A good place to start the healing is to recognize that our 0.001% Ruling Elite has been collectively serving only themselves for centuries and that they have literally been warring upon us my entire lifetime.
It is past time for those guilty of these vast crimes against Humankind to be rounded up and voted off the planet.
Sorry for the rant. Excellent post, LQ!
Brilliant writing. Thank you.
Levi, you are hitting the proverbial nail on the head! Just wow.
You mentioned trauma and psychiatric medications as related to dissociation, which factors into dysphoria. I was picking my brain and came up with a few more.
Gaming and living online. Have you heard of Swords Art Online? This was a true fantasy for many youngsters in the gaming/anime world. The game is more real than life. I have known kids who had wished it were real. Also a concept in Ready Player One. Anyways, imagine when you are so integrated in a virtual world that it can be difficult to deal with basic physical needs like bathroom or even food. Imagine being driven not to sleep, and then sleep all day. It is a recipe for disembodiment. If these kids are also drugged, uh oh.
This comes to the next big dissociation factor that came to my mind: lockdowns and the fear campaign. I think you stay present and cogent and in your body by doing physical things, by feeling yourself in your body in relation to real people in real bodies, by having full sensory experiences of the real world. Now, you can't do physical things like exercise because the virus is possibly in the air. You have to cover up faces, reducing sensation and the ability to have a physical-emotional response to others. Disconnect is even provoked with one's own family, breaking up relationships of healthy co-regulation. Not being able to know others is simultaneously not being able to be known is simultaneously not knowing your own self. And then, when you're afraid, and the outlook is grim, and you're supposed to just stuff it, seems like dissociation and pathways to dissociation are helpful tools. Lockdowns and fear campaigns funnel into all the other bad stuff, it seems.
Porn. It is very physical, and offers a release and feeling in the body, but through curating an inner fantasy that at the most mild is just not real. At worst, that inner fantasy life is grossly unhealthy and cements your inability to properly be in your real body with real people, both of whom are definitely not up to porn fantasy standards. Attaching yourself sexually to something unreal and impossible to be real is a real attachment, an attachment to being what you are not and cannot be. You seek physical truth for yourself, but at the same time, you cannot have it.
Puberty. It takes a long time for a young person to go through the process of growing up and becoming who they are. And the body just keeps on moving the bar. Imagine all of that process could just be written off as not actually being you. You just happen to be unnaturally trapped.
Anyways, these are probably pretty familiar elements to most, and I bet we can think of more.
I'm also a big critic of schools as systems for institutionalizing everyone involved in them. I was a teacher for many years, mostly in very nontraditional settings, but I also saw inside the secular fortress.
In school you learn right answers and right thinking, and you don't learn them by way of community or relationships or self reflection or however it makes sense to learn them. You learn because someone was authoritative enough to stand at the head of the classroom and tell you what what is right, and grade you on it and tell you to be quiet and if it is OK to use your body to go to the bathroom or move around.
In school your idea about how your want to spend this time or how you feel or what you think is taught to you to be displaced. At best you can cultivate an inner voice that individuates you in a healthy way, but I think it is sort of the point to institutionalize people when they are young, and to do so intensively for their best waking hours. It really is a big job to employ children into: the job of your mind and body and time belonging first to someone else. When I see kids who grow up embedded in loving relationships within which there is immediate and continuous responsibility to so many thoughts and feelings, I feel pained to then think of my public school experience witnessing children taught a disconnected obedience and repression of themselves. I truly believe that if you live long enough ignoring and desensitizing yourself to your own self, you can actually cease being able to tell what you are feeling and thinking. I think this is a process of dissociation.
I know there are many exceptional schools and individuals, and also resourceful children who get through intact and integrated, but I think there is enough of what I've observed for it to be considered characteristic to a significant portion of educational institutions. Worth the discussion at least.
This can also be an experience of employment. Also possibly of church. It was for me, in my case.
And then, even the medical experience is dissociative. Just think, the first thing they do at your appointment is weight, height, blood pressure... You're not yourself, you are what the tools and rubrics find you to be. And then, you are a commodity, through insurance, or by getting "care" through mega health corporations. Doctors become technicians and good employees, following the protocol. It's even all there on the computers. It tells you which tests to do and what you can or cannot offer. And you get those informational printouts for what is wrong with you. "wrong with you" - wow! I think we have a dissociative problem all over the place! I really need to stop thinking about this!
Another: pain. Think of the self-harm, cutting, picking.
Also, I have had teens talk to me about their materialist nihilistic outlooks. Everything is F'd. Climate change, politics, the Neverending culture wars, the -isms,... Our consciousness is a function of neurons firing and chemical reactions in the brain. We think we love, but really it is just chemical. And, you know, after the lockdowns, and being the death of grandmas, and crapola virtual school that yells "idiot" at everyone who's not faring at all... There is just no there there. At least, the "I" that I am is not there and the hopeless futility would not be bearable if I allow myself to really be here. (I'm elaborating what I've encountered; these are not my personal feelings.)
Very informative! One of my customers is a nurse and worked for a famous sex change doctor. She said about half of them were suicidal with regret wishing they had not had the operation. A great many also never had the full operation and some were difficult to identify in this area.
That doctor was a genius as a surgeon not only in sex change operations but also in reattaching finger, hands and arms. Sadly he is most known only for his major skill! He passed away some years back.
What they are doing to children today is simply child abuse. They start with jabs and then want to mutilate and call it surgery.
To answer your question, Yes all the affected kids deserve better. How is society to help if the parents are in denial. If doctors can't be trusted to treat the core problem, who then? I am grateful that my family was poor and undereducated with limited access to "modern" medicine. As it turns out, it was a blessing in disguise. Very good, thought provoking read.
This is an eye opening article! Wow, I’m blown away by some of these statistics
The Midwestern Doctor had a really great piece that complements yours. Psychiatric drugs and violence
**** part 2
Outstanding article. Thanks so much for sending my way.
All of this is EXACTLY as KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov outlined in his 60 Minutes interview in the 1980s. If you missed this, here it is. INTERVIEW with Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984).
And for those cowards that think they can "sit this one out," a hint: You CAN'T.... you WON'T... and they ***never intended for you to be ABLE TO. **** Or as one woman told me, when I told her about the shot, the aborted fetal material used or tested with: "I know, but I just want to go to Cancun next month."
We all remember the flap over Thimerasol, right ? Big Pharma claimed it was totally safe to use, despite the fact that this adjuvant contains mercury and is neurotoxic to humans but especially to the young , because of the susceptibility to damage of rapidly dividing cells that are already at a higher risk of transcriptions errors.
Finally , after much conflicting data , between the obvious and overt vaccine injuries witnessed by parents, and the drug companies paid studies demonstrating safety, Thimerasol was phased out because safe or not it was bad press, bad optics, for drug companies to have to keep responding to constant new complaints from parents that all the trouble with their previously healthy normal child started after the vaccine containing Thimerasol was given .
And I wonder if we might be seeing a long tail from not just generations of mercury poisonings but concurrently the addition of all these new insults from psychoactive drugs and other sources of brain injury.